/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Color system * * Keep all color classes in a separate file as it's quite heavy and still optional * * Version: 1.0 * Latest update: Set 1st, 2015 * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Custom color system * * Custom color system styles, includes background, border and text colors * * Version: 1.0 * Latest update: May 25, 2015 * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ .bg-primary { background-color: #2196f3; border-color: #2196f3; color: #fff; } .bg-primary-300 { background-color: #64b5f6; border-color: #64b5f6; color: #fff; } .bg-primary-400 { background-color: #42a5f5; border-color: #42a5f5; color: #fff; } .bg-primary-600 { background-color: #1e88e5; border-color: #1e88e5; color: #fff; } .bg-primary-700 { background-color: #1976d2; border-color: #1976d2; color: #fff; } .bg-primary-800 { background-color: #1565c0; border-color: #1565c0; color: #fff; } .bg-danger { background-color: #f44336; border-color: #f44336; color: #fff; } .bg-danger-300 { background-color: #e57373; border-color: #e57373; color: #fff; } .bg-danger-400 { background-color: #ef5350; border-color: #ef5350; color: #fff; } .bg-danger-600 { background-color: #e53935; border-color: #e53935; color: #fff; } .bg-danger-700 { background-color: #d32f2f; border-color: #d32f2f; color: #fff; } .bg-danger-800 { background-color: #c62828; border-color: #c62828; color: #fff; } .bg-success { background-color: #4caf50; border-color: #4caf50; color: #fff; } .bg-success-300 { background-color: #81c784; border-color: #81c784; color: #fff; } .bg-success-400 { background-color: #66bb6a; border-color: #66bb6a; color: #fff; } .bg-success-600 { background-color: #43a047; border-color: #43a047; color: #fff; } .bg-success-700 { background-color: #388e3c; border-color: #388e3c; color: #fff; } .bg-success-800 { background-color: #2e7d32; border-color: #2e7d32; color: #fff; } .bg-warning { background-color: #ff5722; border-color: #ff5722; color: #fff; } .bg-warning-300 { background-color: #ff8a65; border-color: #ff8a65; color: #fff; } .bg-warning-400 { background-color: #ff7043; border-color: #ff7043; color: #fff; } .bg-warning-600 { background-color: #f4511e; border-color: #f4511e; color: #fff; } .bg-warning-700 { background-color: #e64a19; border-color: #e64a19; color: #fff; } .bg-warning-800 { background-color: #d84315; border-color: #d84315; color: #fff; } .bg-info { background-color: #00bcd4; border-color: #00bcd4; color: #fff; } .bg-info-300 { background-color: #4dd0e1; border-color: #4dd0e1; color: #fff; } .bg-info-400 { background-color: #26c6da; border-color: #26c6da; color: #fff; } .bg-info-600 { background-color: #00acc1; border-color: #00acc1; color: #fff; } .bg-info-700 { background-color: #0097a7; border-color: #0097a7; color: #fff; } .bg-info-800 { background-color: #00838f; border-color: #00838f; color: #fff; } .bg-pink { background-color: #e91e63; border-color: #e91e63; color: #fff; } .bg-pink-300 { background-color: #f06292; border-color: #f06292; color: #fff; } .bg-pink-400 { background-color: #ec407a; border-color: #ec407a; color: #fff; } .bg-pink-600 { background-color: #d81b60; border-color: #d81b60; color: #fff; } .bg-pink-700 { background-color: #c2185b; border-color: #c2185b; color: #fff; } .bg-pink-800 { background-color: #ad1457; border-color: #ad1457; color: #fff; } .bg-violet { background-color: #9c27b0; border-color: #9c27b0; color: #fff; } .bg-violet-300 { background-color: #ba68c8; border-color: #ba68c8; color: #fff; } .bg-violet-400 { background-color: #ab47bc; border-color: #ab47bc; color: #fff; } .bg-violet-600 { background-color: #8e24aa; border-color: #8e24aa; color: #fff; } .bg-violet-700 { background-color: #7b1fa2; border-color: #7b1fa2; color: #fff; } .bg-violet-800 { background-color: #6a1b9a; border-color: #6a1b9a; color: #fff; } .bg-purple { background-color: #673ab7; border-color: #673ab7; color: #fff; } .bg-purple-300 { background-color: #9575cd; border-color: #9575cd; color: #fff; } .bg-purple-400 { background-color: #7e57c2; border-color: #7e57c2; color: #fff; } .bg-purple-600 { background-color: #5e35b1; border-color: #5e35b1; color: #fff; } .bg-purple-700 { background-color: #512da8; border-color: #512da8; color: #fff; } .bg-purple-800 { background-color: #4527a0; border-color: #4527a0; color: #fff; } .bg-indigo { background-color: #3f51b5; border-color: #3f51b5; color: #fff; } .bg-indigo-300 { background-color: #7986cb; border-color: #7986cb; color: #fff; } .bg-indigo-400 { background-color: #5c6bc0; border-color: #5c6bc0; color: #fff; } .bg-indigo-600 { background-color: #3949ab; border-color: #3949ab; color: #fff; } .bg-indigo-700 { background-color: #303f9f; border-color: #303f9f; color: #fff; } .bg-indigo-800 { background-color: #283593; border-color: #283593; color: #fff; } .bg-blue { background-color: #03a9f4; border-color: #03a9f4; color: #fff; } .bg-blue-300 { background-color: #4fc3f7; border-color: #4fc3f7; color: #fff; } .bg-blue-400 { background-color: #29b6f6; border-color: #29b6f6; color: #fff; } .bg-blue-600 { background-color: #039be5; border-color: #039be5; color: #fff; } .bg-blue-700 { background-color: #0288d1; border-color: #0288d1; color: #fff; } .bg-blue-800 { background-color: #0277bd; border-color: #0277bd; color: #fff; } .bg-teal { background-color: #009688; border-color: #009688; color: #fff; } .bg-teal-300 { background-color: #4db6ac; border-color: #4db6ac; color: #fff; } .bg-teal-400 { background-color: #26a69a; border-color: #26a69a; color: #fff; } .bg-teal-600 { background-color: #00897b; border-color: #00897b; color: #fff; } .bg-teal-700 { background-color: #00796b; border-color: #00796b; color: #fff; } .bg-teal-800 { background-color: #00695c; border-color: #00695c; color: #fff; } .bg-green { background-color: #8bc34a; border-color: #8bc34a; color: #fff; } .bg-green-300 { background-color: #aed581; border-color: #aed581; color: #fff; } .bg-green-400 { background-color: #9ccc65; border-color: #9ccc65; color: #fff; } .bg-green-600 { background-color: #7cb342; border-color: #7cb342; color: #fff; } .bg-green-700 { background-color: #689f38; border-color: #689f38; color: #fff; } .bg-green-800 { background-color: #558b2f; border-color: #558b2f; color: #fff; } .bg-orange { background-color: #ff9800; border-color: #ff9800; color: #fff; } .bg-orange-300 { background-color: #ffb74d; border-color: #ffb74d; color: #fff; } .bg-orange-400 { background-color: #ffa726; border-color: #ffa726; color: #fff; } .bg-orange-600 { background-color: #fb8c00; border-color: #fb8c00; color: #fff; } .bg-orange-700 { background-color: #f57c00; border-color: #f57c00; color: #fff; } .bg-orange-800 { background-color: #ef6c00; border-color: #ef6c00; color: #fff; } .bg-brown { background-color: #795548; border-color: #795548; color: #fff; } .bg-brown-300 { background-color: #a1887f; border-color: #a1887f; color: #fff; } .bg-brown-400 { background-color: #8d6e63; border-color: #8d6e63; color: #fff; } .bg-brown-600 { background-color: #6d4c41; border-color: #6d4c41; color: #fff; } .bg-brown-700 { background-color: #5d4037; border-color: #5d4037; color: #fff; } .bg-brown-800 { background-color: #4e342e; border-color: #4e342e; color: #fff; } .bg-grey { background-color: #777777; border-color: #777777; color: #fff; } .bg-grey-300 { background-color: #999999; border-color: #999999; color: #fff; } .bg-grey-400 { background-color: #888888; border-color: #888888; color: #fff; } .bg-grey-600 { background-color: #666666; border-color: #666666; color: #fff; } .bg-grey-700 { background-color: #555555; border-color: #555555; color: #fff; } .bg-grey-800 { background-color: #444444; border-color: #444444; color: #fff; } .bg-slate { background-color: #607d8b; border-color: #607d8b; color: #fff; } .bg-slate-300 { background-color: #90a4ae; border-color: #90a4ae; color: #fff; } .bg-slate-400 { background-color: #78909c; border-color: #78909c; color: #fff; } .bg-slate-600 { background-color: #546e7a; border-color: #546e7a; color: #fff; } .bg-slate-700 { background-color: #455a64; border-color: #455a64; color: #fff; } .bg-slate-800 { background-color: #37474f; border-color: #37474f; color: #fff; } .bg-white { background-color: #fff; color: #333333; } .alpha-primary { background-color: #e3f2fd; border-color: #1e88e5; } .alpha-danger { background-color: #ffebee; border-color: #e53935; } .alpha-success { background-color: #e8f5e9; border-color: #43a047; } .alpha-warning { background-color: #fbe9e7; border-color: #f4511e; } .alpha-info { background-color: #e0f7fa; border-color: #00acc1; } .alpha-pink { background-color: #fce4ec; border-color: #d81b60; } .alpha-violet { background-color: #f3e5f5; border-color: #8e24aa; } .alpha-purple { background-color: #ede7f6; border-color: #5e35b1; } .alpha-indigo { background-color: #e8eaf6; border-color: #3949ab; } .alpha-blue { background-color: #e1f5fe; border-color: #039be5; } .alpha-teal { background-color: #e0f2f1; border-color: #00897b; } .alpha-green { background-color: #f1f8e9; border-color: #7cb342; } .alpha-orange { background-color: #fff3e0; border-color: #fb8c00; } .alpha-brown { background-color: #efebe9; border-color: #6d4c41; } .alpha-grey { background-color: #fafafa; border-color: #666666; } .alpha-slate { background-color: #eceff1; border-color: #546e7a; } .border-primary { border-color: #2196f3; } .border-primary-300 { border-color: #64b5f6; } .border-primary-400 { border-color: #42a5f5; } .border-primary-600 { border-color: #1e88e5; } .border-primary-700 { border-color: #1976d2; } .border-primary-800 { border-color: #1565c0; } .border-danger { border-color: #f44336; } .border-danger-300 { border-color: #e57373; } .border-danger-400 { border-color: #ef5350; } .border-danger-600 { border-color: #e53935; } .border-danger-700 { border-color: #d32f2f; } .border-danger-800 { border-color: #c62828; } .border-success { border-color: #4caf50; } .border-success-300 { border-color: #81c784; } .border-success-400 { border-color: #66bb6a; } .border-success-600 { border-color: #43a047; } .border-success-700 { border-color: #388e3c; } .border-success-800 { border-color: #2e7d32; } .border-warning { border-color: #ff5722; } .border-warning-300 { border-color: #ff8a65; } .border-warning-400 { border-color: #ff7043; } .border-warning-600 { border-color: #f4511e; } .border-warning-700 { border-color: #e64a19; } .border-warning-800 { border-color: #d84315; } .border-info { border-color: #00bcd4; } .border-info-300 { border-color: #4dd0e1; } .border-info-400 { border-color: #26c6da; } .border-info-600 { border-color: #00acc1; } .border-info-700 { border-color: #0097a7; } .border-info-800 { border-color: #00838f; } .border-pink { border-color: #e91e63; } .border-pink-300 { border-color: #f06292; } .border-pink-400 { border-color: #ec407a; } .border-pink-600 { border-color: #d81b60; } .border-pink-700 { border-color: #c2185b; } .border-pink-800 { border-color: #ad1457; } .border-violet { border-color: #9c27b0; } .border-violet-300 { border-color: #ba68c8; } .border-violet-400 { border-color: #ab47bc; } .border-violet-600 { border-color: #8e24aa; } .border-violet-700 { border-color: #7b1fa2; } .border-violet-800 { border-color: #6a1b9a; } .border-purple { border-color: #673ab7; } .border-purple-300 { border-color: #9575cd; } .border-purple-400 { border-color: #7e57c2; } .border-purple-600 { border-color: #5e35b1; } .border-purple-700 { border-color: #512da8; } .border-purple-800 { border-color: #4527a0; } .border-indigo { border-color: #3f51b5; } .border-indigo-300 { border-color: #7986cb; } .border-indigo-400 { border-color: #5c6bc0; } .border-indigo-600 { border-color: #3949ab; } .border-indigo-700 { border-color: #303f9f; } .border-indigo-800 { border-color: #283593; } .border-blue { border-color: #03a9f4; } .border-blue-300 { border-color: #4fc3f7; } .border-blue-400 { border-color: #29b6f6; } .border-blue-600 { border-color: #039be5; } .border-blue-700 { border-color: #0288d1; } .border-blue-800 { border-color: #0277bd; } .border-teal { border-color: #009688; } .border-teal-300 { border-color: #4db6ac; } .border-teal-400 { border-color: #26a69a; } .border-teal-600 { border-color: #00897b; } .border-teal-700 { border-color: #00796b; } .border-teal-800 { border-color: #00695c; } .border-green { border-color: #8bc34a; } .border-green-300 { border-color: #aed581; } .border-green-400 { border-color: #9ccc65; } .border-green-600 { border-color: #7cb342; } .border-green-700 { border-color: #689f38; } .border-green-800 { border-color: #558b2f; } .border-orange { border-color: #ff9800; } .border-orange-300 { border-color: #ffb74d; } .border-orange-400 { border-color: #ffa726; } .border-orange-600 { border-color: #fb8c00; } .border-orange-700 { border-color: #f57c00; } .border-orange-800 { border-color: #ef6c00; } .border-brown { border-color: #795548; } .border-brown-300 { border-color: #a1887f; } .border-brown-400 { border-color: #8d6e63; } .border-brown-600 { border-color: #6d4c41; } .border-brown-700 { border-color: #5d4037; } .border-brown-800 { border-color: #4e342e; } .border-grey { border-color: #777777; } .border-grey-300 { border-color: #999999; } .border-grey-400 { border-color: #888888; } .border-grey-600 { border-color: #666666; } .border-grey-700 { border-color: #555555; } .border-grey-800 { border-color: #444444; } .border-slate { border-color: #607d8b; } .border-slate-300 { border-color: #90a4ae; } .border-slate-400 { border-color: #78909c; } .border-slate-600 { border-color: #546e7a; } .border-slate-700 { border-color: #455a64; } .border-slate-800 { border-color: #37474f; } .border-white { border-color: #fff; } .border-default { border-color: #dddddd; } .border-top-primary { border-top-color: #2196f3; } .border-top-primary-300 { border-top-color: #64b5f6; } .border-top-primary-400 { border-top-color: #42a5f5; } .border-top-primary-600 { border-top-color: #1e88e5; } .border-top-primary-700 { border-top-color: #1976d2; } .border-top-primary-800 { border-top-color: #1565c0; } .border-top-danger { border-top-color: #f44336; } .border-top-danger-300 { border-top-color: #e57373; } .border-top-danger-400 { border-top-color: #ef5350; } .border-top-danger-600 { border-top-color: #e53935; } .border-top-danger-700 { border-top-color: #d32f2f; } .border-top-danger-800 { border-top-color: #c62828; } .border-top-success { border-top-color: #4caf50; } .border-top-success-300 { border-top-color: #81c784; } .border-top-success-400 { border-top-color: #66bb6a; } .border-top-success-600 { border-top-color: #43a047; } .border-top-success-700 { border-top-color: #388e3c; } .border-top-success-800 { border-top-color: #2e7d32; } .border-top-warning { border-top-color: #ff5722; } .border-top-warning-300 { border-top-color: #ff8a65; } .border-top-warning-400 { border-top-color: #ff7043; } .border-top-warning-600 { border-top-color: #f4511e; } .border-top-warning-700 { border-top-color: #e64a19; } .border-top-warning-800 { border-top-color: #d84315; } .border-top-info { border-top-color: #00bcd4; } .border-top-info-300 { border-top-color: #4dd0e1; } .border-top-info-400 { border-top-color: #26c6da; } .border-top-info-600 { border-top-color: #00acc1; } .border-top-info-700 { border-top-color: #0097a7; } .border-top-info-800 { border-top-color: #00838f; } .border-top-pink { border-top-color: #e91e63; } .border-top-pink-300 { border-top-color: #f06292; } .border-top-pink-400 { border-top-color: #ec407a; } .border-top-pink-600 { border-top-color: #d81b60; } .border-top-pink-700 { border-top-color: #c2185b; } .border-top-pink-800 { border-top-color: #ad1457; } .border-top-violet { border-top-color: #9c27b0; } .border-top-violet-300 { border-top-color: #ba68c8; } .border-top-violet-400 { border-top-color: #ab47bc; } .border-top-violet-600 { border-top-color: #8e24aa; } .border-top-violet-700 { border-top-color: #7b1fa2; } .border-top-violet-800 { border-top-color: #6a1b9a; } .border-top-purple { border-top-color: #673ab7; } .border-top-purple-300 { border-top-color: #9575cd; } .border-top-purple-400 { border-top-color: #7e57c2; } .border-top-purple-600 { border-top-color: #5e35b1; } .border-top-purple-700 { border-top-color: #512da8; } .border-top-purple-800 { border-top-color: #4527a0; } .border-top-indigo { border-top-color: #3f51b5; } .border-top-indigo-300 { border-top-color: #7986cb; } .border-top-indigo-400 { border-top-color: #5c6bc0; } .border-top-indigo-600 { border-top-color: #3949ab; } .border-top-indigo-700 { border-top-color: #303f9f; } .border-top-indigo-800 { border-top-color: #283593; } .border-top-blue { border-top-color: #03a9f4; } .border-top-blue-300 { border-top-color: #4fc3f7; } .border-top-blue-400 { border-top-color: #29b6f6; } .border-top-blue-600 { border-top-color: #039be5; } .border-top-blue-700 { border-top-color: #0288d1; } .border-top-blue-800 { border-top-color: #0277bd; } .border-top-teal { border-top-color: #009688; } .border-top-teal-300 { border-top-color: #4db6ac; } .border-top-teal-400 { border-top-color: #26a69a; } .border-top-teal-600 { border-top-color: #00897b; } .border-top-teal-700 { border-top-color: #00796b; } .border-top-teal-800 { border-top-color: #00695c; } .border-top-green { border-top-color: #8bc34a; } .border-top-green-300 { border-top-color: #aed581; } .border-top-green-400 { border-top-color: #9ccc65; } .border-top-green-600 { border-top-color: #7cb342; } .border-top-green-700 { border-top-color: #689f38; } .border-top-green-800 { border-top-color: #558b2f; } .border-top-orange { border-top-color: #ff9800; } .border-top-orange-300 { border-top-color: #ffb74d; } .border-top-orange-400 { border-top-color: #ffa726; } .border-top-orange-600 { border-top-color: #fb8c00; } .border-top-orange-700 { border-top-color: #f57c00; } .border-top-orange-800 { border-top-color: #ef6c00; } .border-top-brown { border-top-color: #795548; } .border-top-brown-300 { border-top-color: #a1887f; } .border-top-brown-400 { border-top-color: #8d6e63; } .border-top-brown-600 { border-top-color: #6d4c41; } .border-top-brown-700 { border-top-color: #5d4037; } .border-top-brown-800 { border-top-color: #4e342e; } .border-top-grey { border-top-color: #777777; } .border-top-grey-300 { border-top-color: #999999; } .border-top-grey-400 { border-top-color: #888888; } .border-top-grey-600 { border-top-color: #666666; } .border-top-grey-700 { border-top-color: #555555; } .border-top-grey-800 { border-top-color: #444444; } .border-top-slate { border-top-color: #607d8b; } .border-top-slate-300 { border-top-color: #90a4ae; } .border-top-slate-400 { border-top-color: #78909c; } .border-top-slate-600 { border-top-color: #546e7a; } .border-top-slate-700 { border-top-color: #455a64; } .border-top-slate-800 { border-top-color: #37474f; } .border-top-white { border-top-color: #fff; } .border-bottom-primary { border-bottom-color: #2196f3; } .border-bottom-primary-300 { border-bottom-color: #64b5f6; } .border-bottom-primary-400 { border-bottom-color: #42a5f5; } .border-bottom-primary-600 { border-bottom-color: #1e88e5; } .border-bottom-primary-700 { border-bottom-color: #1976d2; } .border-bottom-primary-800 { border-bottom-color: #1565c0; } .border-bottom-danger { border-bottom-color: #f44336; } .border-bottom-danger-300 { border-bottom-color: #e57373; } .border-bottom-danger-400 { border-bottom-color: #ef5350; } .border-bottom-danger-600 { border-bottom-color: #e53935; } .border-bottom-danger-700 { border-bottom-color: #d32f2f; } .border-bottom-danger-800 { border-bottom-color: #c62828; } .border-bottom-success { border-bottom-color: #4caf50; } .border-bottom-success-300 { border-bottom-color: #81c784; } .border-bottom-success-400 { border-bottom-color: #66bb6a; } .border-bottom-success-600 { border-bottom-color: #43a047; } .border-bottom-success-700 { border-bottom-color: #388e3c; } .border-bottom-success-800 { border-bottom-color: #2e7d32; } .border-bottom-warning { border-bottom-color: #ff5722; } .border-bottom-warning-300 { border-bottom-color: #ff8a65; } .border-bottom-warning-400 { border-bottom-color: #ff7043; } .border-bottom-warning-600 { border-bottom-color: #f4511e; } .border-bottom-warning-700 { border-bottom-color: #e64a19; } .border-bottom-warning-800 { border-bottom-color: #d84315; } .border-bottom-info { border-bottom-color: #00bcd4; 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