/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Noty and jGrowl notifications * * Specific JS code additions for components_notifications_other.html page * * Version: 1.0 * Latest update: Aug 1, 2015 * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $(function() { // Noty plugin // ------------------------------ var notes = []; // Text options notes['alert'] = 'Best check yo self, you\'re not looking too good.'; notes['error'] = 'Change a few things up and try submitting again.'; notes['success'] = 'You successfully read this important alert message.'; notes['information'] = 'This alert needs your attention, but it\'s not super important.'; notes['warning'] = 'Warning! Best check yo self, you\'re not looking too good.'; notes['confirm'] = 'Do you want to continue?'; // Initialize $('.noty-runner').click(function () { var self = $(this); noty({ width: 200, text: notes[self.data('type')], type: self.data('type'), dismissQueue: true, timeout: 4000, layout: self.data('layout'), buttons: (self.data('type') != 'confirm') ? false : [ { addClass: 'btn btn-primary btn-xs', text: 'Ok', onClick: function ($noty) { //this = button element, $noty = $noty element $noty.close(); noty({ force: true, text: 'You clicked "Ok" button', type: 'success', layout: self.data('layout') }); } }, { addClass: 'btn btn-danger btn-xs', text: 'Cancel', onClick: function ($noty) { $noty.close(); noty({ force: true, text: 'You clicked "Cancel" button', type: 'error', layout: self.data('layout') }); } } ] }); return false; }); // jGrowl plugin // ------------------------------ // Defaults override - hide "close all" button $.jGrowl.defaults.closer = false; // // Contextual options // // Solid color theme $('#jgrowl-default').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('We are glad to see you again', { header: 'Good morning!', theme: 'bg-primary' }); }); // Danger notification $('#jgrowl-danger').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Change a few things up and try submitting again', { header: 'Oh snap!', theme: 'bg-danger' }); }); // Success notification $('#jgrowl-success').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('You successfully read this important alert message', { header: 'Well done!', theme: 'bg-success' }); }); // Warning notification $('#jgrowl-warning').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Better check yourself, you\'re not looking too good', { header: 'Attention Here!', theme: 'bg-warning' }); }); // Info notification $('#jgrowl-info').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('This alert needs your attention, but it\'s not super important.', { header: 'Heads up!', theme: 'bg-info' }); }); // // Notification styling // // Solid left $('#jgrowl-solid-styled-left').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Solid color notification with left icon', { header: 'Left icon', theme: 'alert-styled-left bg-danger' }); }); // Solid right $('#jgrowl-solid-styled-right').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Solid color notification with right icon', { header: 'Right icon', theme: 'alert-styled-right bg-info' }); }); // Solid custom $('#jgrowl-solid-custom-styled').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Notification with custom colors', { header: 'Custom styling', theme: 'bg-teal alert-styled-left alert-styled-custom' }); }); // Styled left $('#jgrowl-styled-left').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Notification with left contextual icon', { header: 'Left icon', theme: 'alert-bordered alert-styled-left alert-danger' }); }); // Styled right $('#jgrowl-styled-right').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Notification with right contextual icon', { header: 'Right icon', theme: 'alert-bordered alert-styled-right alert-danger' }); }); // Custom style $('#jgrowl-custom-styled').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Notification with custom style', { header: 'Custom style', theme: 'alert-styled-left alert-styled-custom border-lg alpha-teal text-teal-900' }); }); // Styled with arrow $('#jgrowl-styled-arrow').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Styled alert with arrow', { header: 'Styled with arrow', theme: 'alert-styled-left alert-arrow-left alert-primary border-lg' }); }); // Rounded $('#jgrowl-rounded').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Alert with rounded corners', { theme: 'bg-primary alert-rounded' }); }); // Basic style $('#jgrowl-alert-default').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Default alert style example', { header: 'Default alert style', theme: 'alert-bordered alert-primary' }); }); // // Options // // Sticky notification $('#jgrowl-sticky').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('I am a sticky message', { header: 'Sticky message', sticky: true, theme: 'bg-slate-600' }); }); // Long life message $('#jgrowl-long-life').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('A message that will live a little longer.', { header: 'Long life message', life: 10000, theme: 'bg-slate-600' }); }); // Callbacks $('#jgrowl-callbacks').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('Check out your console', { theme: 'bg-slate-600', life: 5000, header: 'Callbacks', beforeOpen: function(e,m,o) { console.log("I am going to be opened!", this); }, afterOpen: function(e,m,o) { console.log("I am opened!", this); }, close: function(e,m,o) { console.log("I am closed!", this); } }); }); // Animation options $('#jgrowl-animation').on('click', function () { $.jGrowl('I am a notice!', { speed: 100, theme: 'bg-danger', header: 'Fast animation speed' }); }); // // Positions // // Top left $('#jgrowl-top-left').on('click', function () { $('body').find('.jGrowl').attr('class', '').attr('id', '').hide(); $.jGrowl('I am a jGrowl notice!', { position: 'top-left', theme: 'bg-teal', header: 'Top Left position' }); }); // Top center $('#jgrowl-top-center').on('click', function () { $('body').find('.jGrowl').attr('class', '').attr('id', '').hide(); $.jGrowl('I am a jGrowl notice!', { position: 'top-center', theme: 'bg-teal', header: 'Top Center position' }); }); // Top right $('#jgrowl-top-right').on('click', function () { $('body').find('.jGrowl').attr('class', '').attr('id', '').hide(); $.jGrowl('I am a jGrowl notice!', { position: 'top-right', theme: 'bg-teal', header: 'Top Right position' }); }); // Center $('#jgrowl-center').on('click', function () { $('body').find('.jGrowl').attr('class', '').attr('id', '').hide(); $.jGrowl('I am a jGrowl notice!', { position: 'center', theme: 'bg-danger', header: 'Center position' }); }); // Bottom left $('#jgrowl-bottom-left').on('click', function () { $('body').find('.jGrowl').attr('class', '').attr('id', '').hide(); $.jGrowl('I am a jGrowl notice!', { position: 'bottom-left', theme: 'bg-info', header: 'Bottom Left position' }); }); // Bottom right $('#jgrowl-bottom-right').on('click', function () { $('body').find('.jGrowl').attr('class', '').attr('id', '').hide(); $.jGrowl('I am a jGrowl notice!', { position: 'bottom-right', theme: 'bg-info', header: 'Bottom Right position' }); }); // Bottom center $('#jgrowl-bottom-center').on('click', function () { $('body').find('.jGrowl').attr('class', '').attr('id', '').hide(); $.jGrowl('I am a jGrowl notice!', { position: 'bottom-center', theme: 'bg-info', header: 'Bottom Center position' }); }); });