/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Table elements * * Specific JS code additions for table_elements.html page * * Version: 1.0 * Latest update: Aug 1, 2015 * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $(function() { // Selects // ------------------------------ // Multiselect $('.multiselect').multiselect({ buttonWidth: '100%' }); // SelectBoxIt selects $(".selectbox").selectBoxIt({ autoWidth: false }); // Select2 basic $('.select').select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: '-1' }); // // Select2 with icons // // Add icons function iconFormat(state) { var originalOption = state.element; return "" + state.text; } // Initialize $(".select-actions").select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: -1, formatResult: iconFormat, width: '100%', formatSelection: iconFormat, escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; } }); // // "Display controls" select2 select // // Initialize Switchery var controls = document.querySelector('.display-controls'); var controlsInit = new Switchery(controls); // Change select state on toggle controls.onchange = function() { if(controls.checked) { $('#available_controls').select2("enable", true); } else { $('#available_controls').select2("enable", false); } }; // Editable // ------------------------------ // Change defaults $.fn.editable.defaults.highlight = false; $.fn.editable.defaults.mode = 'popup'; $.fn.editableform.template = '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; $.fn.editableform.buttons = '' + ''; // Initialize $('#edit').editable(); // // Edit popup with switchery toggle // // Initialize editable $('#switchery-editable').editable({ source: {'1': 'Enabled'}, emptytext: 'Disabled', showbuttons: 'bottom', tpl: '
' }); // Initialize plugin $('#switchery-editable').on('shown', function (e, editable) { editable.input.$input.addClass('switcher-single'); var elem = document.querySelector('.switcher-single'); var init = new Switchery(elem); }); // Sparklines // ------------------------------ // Intialization $(".spark-line").sparkline('html', { type: 'line', lineColor: '#aaa', spotRadius: 2, enableTagOptions: true, minSpotColor: '', maxSpotColor: '', height: 22, fillColor: '#f5f5f5', width: 150, lineWidth: 1.1 }); // Composite $('.spark-comoposite').sparkline('html', { type: 'bar', barColor: '#aaf', barWidth: 6, height: 22, barColor: '#009AD6' }); $('.spark-comoposite').sparkline([4,1,5,7,9,9,8,7,6,6,4,7,8,4,3,2,2,5,6,7], { composite: true, fillColor: false, lineColor: 'red' }); // Bar charts $('.spark-bars').sparkline('html', { type: 'bar', height: 22, negBarColor: '#f65f5f', stackedBarColor: ['#009AD6','#f65f5f'], barWidth: 6, barColor: '#009AD6' }); // Pie charts $('.spark-pies').sparkline('html', { type: 'pie', height: 22, sliceColors: ['#2CA02C', '#FF7F0E', '#1F77B4'] }); // Bullet charts $('.spark-bullet').sparkline('html', { type: 'bullet', width: 150, height: 22 }); // Form components // ------------------------------ // Touchspin spinners $(".touchspin").TouchSpin({ min: 0, max: 100, step: 0.1, decimals: 2, prefix: '$' }); // Multiple files uploader $('.bootstrap-uploader').fileinput({ browseLabel: 'Browse', browseClass: 'btn btn-primary', removeLabel: '', uploadLabel: '', browseIcon: '', uploadIcon: ' ', removeClass: 'btn btn-danger btn-icon', uploadClass: 'btn btn-default btn-icon', removeIcon: ' ', layoutTemplates: { caption: '
\n' + '
\n' + '
' }, initialCaption: "No file selected" }); // Switchery toggle var elems = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.switchery')); elems.forEach(function(html) { var switchery = new Switchery(html); }); // Styled checkboxes, radios $('.styled, .multiselect-container input').uniform({ radioClass: 'choice', wrapperClass: 'border-primary text-primary' }); // Styled file input $('.file-styled').uniform({ wrapperClass: 'bg-warning', fileButtonHtml: '' }); });